The Sample Login form is used to enter samples into the system. When a client sends in a set of common samples to be tested, they will be logged into a single Lab Number which is a sequential number.
Each sample in the login will be a unique Sample Number which consists of the Lab Number plus a sequential suffix such as: -01, -02, -03.
An example would be that two samples came in from a client for a particular project. The last Lab Number used was 123455. These two samples would be logged in together as Lab Number 123456. The first Sample Number would be 123456-01 and the second would be 123456-02.
Normally limsExpress is setup to use a two digit suffix which allows up to 99 samples per login. If you normally log in more than 99 samples for a project you can change this by going to: Main Menu - Setup - Preferences - Program Settings and change Sample Suffix Format from 2 Digits to 3 Digits to have up to 999 samples per login.
From the Sample Login form, press the New Login button, this will open the Login and Cloning form.
New Login (Enter From Scratch)
Create a new login from scratch. Select a client and enter all login information, samples and testing required.
New Login (Clone a Previous Login)
Select a previous login like the one you wish to enter now. The program will clone the data from that previous login then make any required changes.
New Login (Clone a Template)
Select a template that you have created. The program will clone the data then you will make any required changes.
New Template (Enter From Scratch)
Create a new template from scratch. You will select a client and enter all login, samples and testing information. This template can be used for future logins to save time.
New Template (Clone a Login)
This will create a new template by cloning a login. Once the template has been created you can make any required changes to ensure it's setup for future logins.
New Template (Clone a Previous Template)
This will create a new template by cloning a previous template. Once created, make any required changes to ensure it's setup for future logins.